We tend to tilt more towards the infamous lifestyles of the Westerners but totally abhor the worthful practices they uphold which puts them over us perpetually. We have no problem normalizing divorce, soliciting for gay rights, walking public zones half or completely nude, and so on. 

But we completely brush aside things like acquainting ourselves with the country's constitutions to enable us have valid says at all times. We brush aside advocating for the adoption of a workable system of government, and lending our voices to the furtherance of noble courses. Instead, we let ourselves drown in a gullibility that renders us pitiably susceptible to the seductions of political Casanovas.

We let them enter our spirits through an artful temporary compliance to our set standards, thus gaining our endorsement. We then fall into the temptation they create through empty promises; a sin we keep paying dearly for but never seem to want to break off its hold. We are tossed around like sheep without a Shepherd. We buy whatever they sell to us.

They run the show and we have no say, even when we outnumber them 100 to 1. That ought not to be so. The real power lies with us, THE PEOPLE. But if the ignorance of this power keeps opening us up to political seduction, I’m afraid the situation of our dear country will only succeed in becoming irredeemably hopeless! But guess what: just a little enlightenment can make the difference!

Right from the days of John the Baptist, the real power had always been in the hands of THE PEOPLE, not Herod, or the chief priests, or the teachers of the law, or the elders. At a time when Jesus drove out money changers and traders from God’s temple, the Chief priests, teachers of the law, and the elders confronted him. They asked to know by whose authority he was operating.

He in turn questioned them about John’s baptism, asking if it was from heaven or of human origin. Now, read carefully what they whisperred among themselves: “If we say heaven, he’ll ask us why we didn’t believe John; if we say humans, we’ll be up against it with THE PEOPLE because they all hold John up as a prophet.” They decided to concede that round to Jesus. Mark 11:31‭ (MSG‬).‬‬

Again when Jesus told a parable that bared the hypocrisy and wickedness of the religious leaders, they sought to arrest him. The Bible says this about them: “The religious leaders wanted to arrest Jesus because they realized he was telling the story against them. They were the wicked farmers. But they were AFRAID OF THE CROWD (PEOPLE), so they left him and went away.” Mark 12:12 (NLT).

From those two biblical instances, it is clear that when it comes to LEADERS and the PEOPLE, the PEOPLE wield more power and have the FINAL SAY. But how come we’re not exercising that power in our country? How come our leaders have their ways back-to-back while we do nothing but wail? The answer is simple. We have opened ourselves up to political seduction.

We are swayed by a variety of candidates who put us against each other all the time. What we need to do is to use our PEOPLE POWER to keep the political bad eggs from wielding power but ensure that the good ones occupy positions of leadership. What we need to do is to use our PEOPLE POWER to propel even our good leaders into action just to make sure that slackness doesn’t set in at any point.

The real power is in our hands. We have what it takes to steer the country in the right direction. But to do that, we must purge ourselves of ignorance, greed, ingenuity, and every likeness of corruptness. By so doing, we can stand tall, fight a good fight, and have a better Nigeria. Remember, THE PEOPLE are always FEARED. THE PEOPLE have the FINAL SAY. YOU ARE THE PEOPLE! Use your power rightly today!



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