This ESSAY attempts to deeply explore RICHES and its DIVERSE CUSTODIANS. We’re all familiar with the much-loved biblical maxim that “money answers all things” - which ultimately projects financial freedom as being next to nothing when it comes to this natural world of ours. So it becomes understandable when folks get dead-hooked in various professions, fields of endeavor, passions, hustles, and whatnot; just to SECURE THE BAG and amass GREAT RICHES.

The EXTOLMENT that comes with such financial establishment sparks sensations that are quite uncommon among TOMs, DICKs, and HARRYs. It takes more than being a BUSY BODY to amass riches that can provoke such SUPER GLORY; calling the GLOBAL VILLAGE’s attention to ITS CARRIERS. The earth indeed has its fill of MONEYBAGS. But filling the earth, even more, is the alarming number of wanna-be moneybags: you??? them… I, MOST DEFINITELY!

But you see, there’s “Riches” and there are RICHES. There’s “Wealth” and there’s WEALTH. There’s “Glory” and there’s GLORY. They all count for FORTUNE. Even so, there’s “Fortune” and there’s FORTUNE. While many LOWER CLASS POPULATIONS would gladly settle and die at the MIDDLE-CLASS cadre if opportune, there are those who consider the UPPER CLASS their BIRTHRIGHT; and they want nothing less - even those from the HUMBLEST OF BACKGROUNDS.

Those breed launch into the earth to undertake diverse adventures as means of acquiring these coveted riches and its glorification thereof. As is typical with adventure games, you keep playing, moving from level to level. The slightest of mistakes can end the game. You have to attain mastery of the game through hard diligent learning and recurrent losses. The more you master it, the more you manage to meander across levels - and the closer you get to WINNING.

But real-life adventures take quite a different turn of events. While the course of adventure in games is a one-way process, that of real-life adventure does not stop at being a two-way process: it goes further to be a three-way process, four-way process; as the spirit leads. So, those wanna-bes disperse off on a wealth hunt with great GUSTO, determined to never look back until the price is secured: the MONEY, FAME, POWER, BIG BOY STATUS – AT WHATEVER COST!

Imagine the feeling that comes with being the CENTER OF ATTRACTION on account of your RICHES: the groove that comes with being a STARBOY. Everyone wants to identify and curry favor with you. You become THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE, the NEW GOD that most folks will gladly abandon their OLD GOD(S) for. The girls want to be with no one but you. From being the least desired, you become the DREAM GUY that the PRETTIEST OF MAIDENS want to have FOR KEEPS.

You become all-round appealing: everything you say makes sense. Nothing you do meets disapprovals: you’re always right. You’re the SWEET that every tongue wants to LICK, the LIQUOR that DRUNK CHAPS want to SIP, the HARVEST that SOWERS want to REAP, and the FIGURE that EVERYONE wants to MEET. Jetting around the world is SPORT for you. You even take the PRIVATE JET thing to the next level, journeying in a CONVOY OF JETS IN THE AIR.

No one has ever seen a convoy of jets in the air. So, automatically, you become a RECORD BREAKER. Many folks covet your extravagant lifestyle. Your life is all shades of GLORY and HONOUR. But be that as it may, all these are nothing but VANITY - in the opinion of certain people. They can TELL THAT TO THE BIRDS though, not the WANNA-BE BIG BOYS. These guys don’t entertain such CRAPPY TALKS. They want to win, to succeed, to become RICH - at all costs POSSIBLE!



They say the sky is big enough for birds to fly without clashing. The waters are amply massive to drown all the earth. Likewise, there are ENOUGH RICHES TO GO ROUND. The bible even makes clear that “the portion of the earth is for all”: (Ecclesiastes 10:19). But if that’s the case, what then is the deal with the alarming number of paupers in the world’s nooks and crannies? What’s the deal with financial preys and their predators? Need I mention victims of Political brouhahas?

But you see, those are the sorts of questions that WANNA-BE BIG BOYS don’t stick around to ask, or ask for too long. They couldn’t care less about paupers and preys and victims. Oh, they actually do care: they care enough to NOT WANT TO BE LIKE THEM! How I wish these riches were easy to acquire. Although the earth’s portions are for all, securing a portion for one’s self requires more than a sense of entitlement: one must make moves: – MONEY MOVES!

“No PAIN, no GAIN!” “No STORY, no GLORY!” “The VIOLENT taketh by FORCE!” I could go on and on with excerpts from the deep orientations that govern the minds of these wanna-bes; as they reach out to LAMBANO what they believe to be their portion of the earth. Generally, nothing comes without a price. And here’s one thing I know about a price: IT MUST BE PAID. That wouldn’t be a problem for the wanna-bes. They are down: – DOWN FOR WHATEVER!

Having supposedly been rightly oriented toward amassment of riches, they must have been fairly enlightened in the area of PRICES and their PAYMENTS thereof. It could be the STUDY HARD/WORK HARD policy as a pathway to bagging BIG BOY RICHES, or the SOFTWORK/SMART WORK approach as a means of stepping up to the BIGGER BOY LEVEL of riches, or SOME OTHER PATH, definitely a SUPERIOR PATH; as a means of bagging the BIGGEST BOY RICHES.

It doesn’t matter the price to be paid. As long as the REWARD thereof is the PRIDE OF LIFE, it’s a GO for the wanna-bes. It takes a GREAT DEAL to be a BIG BOY. Being a BIGGER BOY takes even more! But it could take EVERYTHING to secure a place among the BIGGEST BOYS; – the ones who can paint a NEAR-PERFECT picture of the FAMED GOLDEN STREETS OF HEAVEN. Depending on your APPETITE for riches and glory, you can be any of THE BOYS!



Perhaps I could start my analysis of the BIG BOYS with the 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria: (I’m Nigerian by the way). 3 years of Pre-Primary Education followed by 6 years of Primary Education. Another 3 years of Junior Secondary School followed by 3 years of Senior Secondary School. Then comes 4 years of Higher Education. But it’s probably no news that this system has not achieved its objectives as envisioned by the National Policy on Education.

The reason for that failure is simple: the system is poorly implemented. Howbeit, it has been the DOING of many BIG BOYS! The highly educated business professionals and specialists from different fields of endeavor: doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and CEOs. These, and the likes of them, make up the UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS. They are the BIG BOYS! They have their privileges, their blessedness, their recognition, etc. They have status: highly-rated men of SUBSTANCE!

Merely being an undergraduate of LAW or MEDICINE is a REVERED STATUS. I see LAW STUDENTS march on campus in FLASHY UNIFORMS on a daily. They can easily be singled out in a multitude of students, especially THEATRE ARTS students who are said to be mostly dressed in “RAGS.” LOL. Underqualified wanna-be law students even get dumped in the Theatre Arts department, and their disdain for the department is something obvious enough for even the blind to see. LOL again. But what if I told you that this essay is brought to you from the DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE ARTS?

The same goes for students of MEDICINE/other PROFESSIONAL COURSES. If merely being a POTENTIAL BIG BOY can rouse such reverence, what happens when things blow up and these potential big boys become ACTUAL BIG BOYS; by working their way to the UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS? Short and simple: they’ll RUN THE SHOW! But that’s all it is: “run the show.” They aren’t the ones who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, and they most certainly aren’t the ones who CALL THE SHOTS!



When it comes to MAKING THINGS HAPPEN, give it to the BIGGER BOYS (those at the LOWER-UPPER CLASS). These are those with NEW MONEY: money from investments, business ventures, etc. They have the potential to climb to the upper-upper class (the biggest boys). The thing with Bigger Boys is that they find no fulfillment in merely RUNNING THE SHOW (like the Big Boys). So they don’t just STUDY/WORK HARD: they WORK SMART! You can call it “SOFTWORK.”

They MAKE THINGS HAPPEN in the sense that they CREATE and MAINTAIN their own riches. They are not necessarily literates, as they don’t necessarily PLAY SAFE by threading the SAFE ZONE of ACADEMIA. They want to be more than mere “ADMINISTRATORS” - who majorly RUN THE SHOW in their different fields of expertise while only occasionally MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. Bigger Boys are in the habit of making things happen BACK-TO-BACK. It is what DEFINES THEM!

Their GLORIFICATION is “OVER THE BAR!” The highly successful footballers, filthy-rich/famous artists, multinational business gurus, and so forth. I would have loved to add TOP POLITICAL JUGGERNAUTS to the list though - if they weren’t mostly infamous for amassing ILL-GOTTEN riches. You will agree with me that the splendor that radiates from the above-mentioned personalities is simply OUT OF THIS WORLD: take other of the world’s top superstars for instance.

One could be tempted to deem these guys as belonging to the upper-upper class: the BIGGEST BOYS. Luxury mansions everywhere in the world, frequent acquisition of fancifully sophisticated automobiles that sell at mammoth prices, and their aesthetically extravagant lifestyle. But as magnificent as the BIGGER BOY CADRE is, it is not as prestigious as the BIGGEST BOY CADRE. The bigger boys are WEALTHY. But you see the biggest boys? they are EXTREMELY WEALTHY!



The biggest boys have more money than they could possibly spend. The same can be said about the bigger boys though. The biggest boys are EXCEPTIONALLY RICH, the same as the bigger boys. These two are actually segments of the UPPER CLASS. Hence, they have quite a lot in common. They live in exclusive neighborhoods, gather at expensive social clubs, and send their children to the finest schools. As might be expected, they also exercise a great deal of influence and power; both nationally and globally. But then, a couple of factors differentiate this SEEMING TWIN.

Unlike the lower-upper class (bigger boys), the upper‐upper class (biggest boys) is made up of ARISTOCRATIC and HIGH‐SOCIETY families with OLD MONEY (who have been rich for generations). Again, unlike the bigger boys, these extremely wealthy biggest boys live off incomes from their inherited riches. They are the GODS OF THIS WORLD: the ROYALS, the ELITES: the ones who CALL THE SHOTS! This is what the biggest boys are; that the bigger boys ARE NOT!



Except for those who are born with silver spoons, every other BIG BOY was once a WANNA-BE BIG BOY. It can be ridiculous to see a CARPENTER’S SON laying claims to the HEAVENLY THRONE, proclaiming himself KING OVER ALL and CREATOR of SILVER and GOLD. It is even more ridiculous to see a BASTARD SON OF A WHORE aspiring to rule a nation that considers him ILLEGITIMATE and WORTHLESS. But you know that saying about GOD not being a MAN, right?

As stated at the start, the earth is filled with wanna-be moneybags who are out to either GET RICH OR DIE TRYING. They do not consider themselves as ESCORTS in the earth. They do not accept second place. Oh yes, these guys may be making a living off menial hustles. But if you could explore their minds for even a second, you’d find that they dwell in luxurious castles and are robed in KINGLY APPARELS; with various subjects at their service (like biblical King Solomon).

If they were to make public their seemingly PUFFED-UP ASPIRATIONS, you’d tag them “JOKERS.” That’s not strange at all. The GIANT SLAYER (biblical David) was tagged a “JOKER” by his own brothers when he opted to fight Goliath. If you’re familiar with that story, you already know what motivated that IMPOVERISHED BUSH BOY to put his life on the line. The funniest part is that he was just a teenager. But you see, being a dreamer and a visionary is not a function of age. David had been in poverty for so long and sought a way out. He saw an OPPORTUNITY in FIGHTING GOLIATH.

For those who may not be familiar with the story, there was a REWARD for whoever took down Goliath. The king, Saul, had promised GREAT WEALTH to the man who killed Goliath. He also promised to exempt that man’s family from paying taxes, as well as marry his daughter to the same man. David was not necessarily interested in the girl. He wouldn’t risk his life to marry the only barren woman in the bible who despised him for praising God. His interest was in the riches; and exemption from tax. With God by his side, he took down the giant and became an INSTANT BIG BOY!

From being a WANNA-BE big boy, he became an instant big boy. But notice the price he had to pay. HE HAD TO TAKE DOWN A GIANT THAT THE STRONGEST MAN IN ISRAEL DREADED. That’s how far a wanna-be could be willing to go; in his quest to acquire riches. You must have also seen those movies where wanna-bes go far as SELLING THEIR SOULS to the devil in EXCHANGE for these same riches. Some offer up the lives of their dearly beloved ones in exchange for riches and glory. Some even offer up their own lives in exchange for a few years of BIG-BOYism. LOL.

Truth be told, not every WANNA-BE has the guts to pay such prices, especially when it assumes paranormal dimensions like that. Some pitch their tents at the BIG BOY LEVEL and start to preach CONTENTMENT, which is a cool thing to do. But you see those wanna-bes who wouldn’t stop until they mount-up to the BIGGER or BIGGEST BOY level? Those are the ones with guts, with deep appetites for riches and glory; - MVPs in a class of their own. The best part is that they do not CHICKEN OUT on their AMBITIONS. These guys go all the way (like biblical David) - and if they perish, they perish!

Mounting such financial height could demand more than HARDWORK/STUDYING (as with the big boys). To be among the BIGGEST BOYS, one must first be a BIGGER BOY, which takes SMART WORK/SOFTWORK. But as suggested by books, movies, OVERLOAD INFORMATION, essays, etc., it takes more than that; 89% of the time. This is usually where the TOWING OF SOME OTHER PATH, definitely a SUPERIOR PATH; comes into play. But then again, even these BIGGEST BOYS ARE OF TWO SETS. We have the REAL BIG BOYS, and then we have the OTHER BIG BOYS. Let’s discuss them.



Let’s start with a flash into the private side of the REAL BIG BOYS; - what many would like to term “INSIDE LIFE.” Do you recall the story of biblical David highlighted above? It didn’t start with him opting to fight the monstrous giant. It started with him being a BUSH BOY, taking care of his father’s flock, and safeguarding them from predators. The story has it that he killed a bear with his bare hands in an attempt to save the flock. Only God knows how long he was a bushboy before finally seeing the light. It took being a BUSH BOY to set him up to be a big boy; - A REAL BIG BOY.

Killing a bear to save his father’s flock was the rehearsal he needed to set himself up to kill Goliath, which he did to save God’s flock (Israel). Safeguarding his father’s flock was equally the rehearsal he needed to prepare himself to safeguard the Lord’s flock (Israel). The rehearsal process may have been slow, humiliating, and unpleasant. But all of that is nothing in comparison to the riches and glory that came to him as a reward, not to mention his elevated status as KING. For 40 years he served as a WARRIOR-KING, losing no battle to his foes, most of which were the OTHER BIG BOYS.

His son, having understudied him so well, knew how best to start his reign the moment he took over as king. He had gotten to learn of the efficacy of DIVINE SACRIFICE from his WORSHIPPER OF A FATHER. Almost closely after his father passed away and he assumed the throne of Israel, he gave an order to all the officers in charge of units of a thousand/hundred men, all the government officials, all the heads of families, and everyone else; COMMANDING THEM TO GO WITH HIM TO THE PLACE OF WORSHIP AT GIBEON. They went there because that was where the Tent of the LORD'S PRESENCE was located, which Moses, the LORD's servant, had made in the wilderness.

Solomon and all the people worshiped the LORD there. He had a thousand animals killed and offered as a sacrifice to God. That very night, God appeared to him and asked; “what would you like me to give you?” Solomon answered; “You always showed great love for my father David, your servant, and he was good, loyal, and honest in his relation with you. And you have continued to show him your great and constant love by giving him a son who today rules in his place. O LORD God, you have let me succeed my father as king, even though I am very young and don't know how to rule. Here I am among the people you have chosen to be your own, a people who are so many that they cannot be counted.”

“Give me the wisdom I need to rule your people with justice; and to know the difference between good and evil. Otherwise, how would I ever be able to rule these great people of yours?” The bible says God was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So he said to him; “because you have asked for the wisdom to rule justly, instead of long life for yourself or riches or the death of your enemies, I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had before, or will ever have again. I will also give you what you have not asked for. All your life, you will have wealth and honor, more than that of any other king. And if you obey me and keep my laws and commands; as your father David did, I will give you a long life.” The resultant effect of that encounter was Solomon becoming a BIG BOY: - A REAL BIG BOY! It was this category that DAVID and SOLOMON belonged.

Those legendary Israeli Kings so happen to be my favorite biblical characters (gets me thinking). That could be why I’m making so much BIG BOY REFERENCES to them, otherwise, there are OTHERS LIKE THEM all through the pages of the scriptures; AND EVEN IN THIS PRESENT WORLD THAT WE LIVE. Time will fail me to dissect their stories. But the factors that define them are pretty much the same with those that define David, Solomon, and those of their time. It is even MORE GLORIOUS these days; all thanks to God for the glory of the LATTER HOUSE. Such are the REAL BIG BOYS!



The above-said about the REAL BIG BOYS has more to do with their PRIVATE AFFAIRS, which aren’t EXACTLY ALIENATED from outsiders. But from a neutral point of view, what’s overly obvious about these real big boys is that they CALL THE SHOTS! They are like GODS IN THE WORLD. Everyone can see them shining like STARS FROM THE EAST. Their names are usually on the lips of many. They control conglomerates. They run different industries worldwide.

They are the FIRST CLASS CUSTODIANS OF RICHES; the very first class savorers of the GLORY IT AFFORDS. They are the STOREHOUSES OF WEALTH. Some of them have FAMED NAMES. Some do not. The real deal is that they have more riches in their custody than they can ever spend. As we speak, the riches are still FLOWING IN. I do not exactly need to point you to any figure or name any names. Perhaps I would go further to say that these folks are littered all over the world, comprising only 1 to 3 percent of the world’s population, holding more than 25% of the world's wealth.

Being that they’re littered all over the world, one can see them almost everywhere: social media, television, in the country, states, even in the neighborhood. That doesn’t rule out the fact that they are scarce. That’s why many of them never get to meet over 95% of persons who know them. There are also those of them WHOSE NAMES DON’T RING A BELL. These are what the EYES and EARS SEE and HEAR THEM TO BE; - on a neutral note; A VERY NEUTRAL NOTE!



Having read thus far, it’s normal to be consumed with curiosity as to who the OTHER BIG BOYS are - and what makes them so. I wouldn’t want to reiterate on the immediate above-discussed. So I’ll skip to the part where I tell you that THE OTHER BIG BOYS have pretty much everything in common with the REAL BIG BOYS. Hold on one second; did I say EVERYTHING? That’s not exactly true! It is the OUTSIDE LIFE of the REAL BIG BOYS and the OUTSIDE LIFE of the OTHER BIG BOYS that are the same. Their INSIDE LIVES are quite different. The INSIDE LIFE of THE REAL BIG BOYS has been FAIRLY CAPTURED in this piece. The only life that’s LEFT OUT is the INSIDE LIFE of the OTHER BIG BOYS.






How then am I able to tell A REAL DIFFERENCE between the REAL BIG BOYS and the OTHER BIG BOYS? If their OUTSIDE LIVES are the same and we only know the INSIDE LIFE of the REAL BIG BOYS, can’t it be possible that the INSIDE LIFE of the OTHER BIG BOYS is also THE SAME with that of the REAL BIG BOYS? Maybe you didn’t get it earlier on when I stated it. So here it is again: I am a wanna-be BIG BOY, a wanna-be BIGGER BOY, a wanna-be BIGGEST BOY, and a wanna-be REAL BIG BOY (INSIDE AND OUTSIDE LIVES). I know WHAT I WANT, and I can identify WHAT’S NOT WHAT I WANT. Wanna-be real big boys everywhere will most likely SAY THE SAME THING.

Another thing they would state plainly is the fact that when it comes to being a REAL BIG BOY, one doesn’t have to SOAR ALL THE WAY UP to the UPPER-UPPER CLASS (THE BIGGEST BOYS). IF ONE’S WAYS ARE IN HARMONY WITH THE WAYS OF THOSE OF THIS WORLD WHO HAVE TAKEN AFTER THE LIKES OF DAVID AND SOLOMON (AND HAVE RECORDED THE SAME RESULTS AS DAVID AND SOLOMON), then such a person is a REAL BIG BOY; be he in the BIG BOY, BIGGER BOY, or BIGGEST BOY category. So CHEER UP! The list wouldn’t be complete without you.

So, so, so, hasn’t this been A NICE RIDE??!! For the WANNA-BES, I bet you can now categorically tell what classification of big boy you WANNA-BE (that’s if you WANNA-BE a big boy though). For those who have no interest in being a big boy, HOW DO THEY DO IT? LOL. But keep it cool in your quest for RICHES and GLORY. I want to believe you don’t wanna-be the BIG BOY with the QUESTION MARKS. To the PRESENT-DAY REAL BIG BOYS, “we dey watch”: (we are watching).


