He acted in wisdom & was despised by fools,
Regained his freedom, but restricted by rules,
Embarked on the mission, spreading good news in schools,
We're heirs of the kingdom, he kept telling that to the Jews.

Haha, in the face of danger he laughed,
He was a light, & in the hours of horror, he flashed,
In confidence of his stability, he dashed,
It was just a little error, & he crashed.

Tears, tears, and endless tears wets his carpet,
All he meditates on now is John 11:35, 'Jesus Wept',
When his tears was exhausted, he slept,
I'm not quite certain if he really woke up in the depth

 Saw him in the future, but can't tell if he's living or dead,
He seemed okay, but not quite sure if he's rich or reached,
He sat on high places, but can't tell if he's cursed or blessed,
But one thing I noticed, he was constantly chased
