The past, the present and the future have the living in common,
The unborn and the dead have none of those, says King Solomon,
The rich and the poor may have death in common,
But the wicked is to expect a fate worse than that of Sodom.
God blessed Solomon with wisdom that made him blossom,
In those days, none in Israel could have complained of boredom,
He preached and warned sternly against whoredom,
But non Israelites will always lead you to the worship of mammon.
Roger that, all you brothers out there in London,
Not all that glitters is gold, be sure of the site before you log-on,
Angel hearts will see God, but dark souls will sure burn,
The end is pretty near, spill that out to a loved one.
Take heed lest you fall, and tell the crack heads to quit being stubborn, 
No disrespect, obey your parents to avoid death before long,
Do not consider the race to the mountain as a long run,
Instead say to the Lord, help me to hallow thy name till thy kingdom come.
