Everyday, I see people living their dream,
I'm still here, waiting for an ultimate happening,
Are there ever any coming signs or wonders?
Or is it my duty to rise and marvel the stars?

To create what I desire, damn whatever and take on a course!
Cuz time's running out! I'm already feeling like a lady near menopause,
I dream big dreams daily, but I ain't living any,
This is not the life I really want to live, God show me mercy.

What the heck is the ish? I don't seem to understand,
They say to me, God's time is best, so drop all you planned.
They say there's time for everything, yet my pals are up there already,
Dropping it like its hot. When the hell will my time come? Can you tell me?

Sitting here and listening to a legend's song, I'm like; this should be me,
Or perhaps, I should be on my way there, composing like-melody,
But I'm just sitting here, staying up late, & working for peanuts.
Damn! Working like an elephant, eating like an ant. Am I nuts?

They try to convince me it's a blessing,
Wouldn't I know better if I disagree?
Just three years to 30, and I'm still far behind...
The guys who used to look up to the power of my mind.

Life is full of ironies, I've seen a lot of them in my lifetime,
I don't understand anymore, no one understands the time.
They say they do, but they really don't. We share the same plight.
I'm sick and tired of the confusion, when the hell will I see the light?

I'm really hoping, and I hope my hope doesn't end as hope against hope,
Tell me how to live my dreams and rule my destiny...
Wake me from this dream and equip me to fulfill them....
Death, be ye far from me, until I live my dreams in totality!

When I try to make things happen, they say its not by power and might,
And when I heed them, sit back and relent effort, the call me a lazy knight,
There's always something unlikely about my every move,
Can I ever get it right in their judgement? Can I ever not goof?

But I'm up now, killing the show like never before, the world's stages is my destination,
This void in me must be filled, I don't care their disapproval of my ambition,
I do not want to wake up on retirement and wish I had known better. I better try and fail,
I'm doing it now, and I'm not looking back. Welcome me. Or better still, bid me farewell...
