(Ekpe’s Shrine)

EKPE: (Reciting Incantation) Sabrabusa Kpeke Mkpo Diah, Sabrabusa Kpeke Akpo Ked, Sabrabusa Mbag Sidi, Bara-Bara-Bara, Diah Soroh, Bara-Bara, Soro! (Praises the gods of the land) The great Isantim of Akpan Inyang Itiaba, I greet you. The chief corner stone of all the political nkuku, I salute you. Isantim Inyang Itiaba, when you sneeze, the rivers and the oceans catch cold. Our forefathers worshiped you till death, and it was well with them all the days of their lives. We the children will follow their footsteps till our very dying day as well.

REPTILE: (Reptile arrives Ekpe’s shrine from Goro’s region like a mighty wind) I am Reptile, sent to you by Goro, the master of the great Isantim whom you offer praise this day. Indeed, you and your ancestors have carefully followed the ordinances set by Goro through the great Isantim. But I’m afraid some people among you have soon forgotten whom they owe their pledge to, and have begun acting in error. The great Goro is displeased with this development, and has sent me here to warn you that doom will come upon this land if what is happening in the house of Mr. Ntwen is not stopped immediately.

EKPE: I am not aware of that which you speak of. Can you please enlighten me? What happening threatens the land?

REPTILE: Ntwen is about to give the hand of his first daughter out in marriage. You know that it is against our tradition for first daughters to marry because they were dedicated to Isantim generations ago in exchange for the fruitfulness of the Itakpa market. And you also know that Itakpa market is the only source of livelihood for the people of this land. If any first daughter gets married, the land will return to the state it was nineteen generations ago, and the people will starve and die of deadly diseases, including you, the very eye of Isantim. You do not want that to happen do you?

EKPE: Not at all!

REPTILE: Then proceed to the house of Mr Ntwen and stop him from calling ruin on the land. Inform the rest of the people of the land of what’s happening. They shall not all suffer because of one man.

EKPE: Yes, noble messenger of my master’s master. I will see to it that none of that takes place in this land which I oversee. Ntwen and his family will be called to order.

REPTILE: However, there is a tradition that favours the union of a first daughter to a mortal man. I believe you are well aware of that. But those involved have embraced another god, and are not ready to undergo the process. Do I still need to remind you of that tradition?

EKPE: Speak on great messenger! I do not wish to interrupt your utterances.

REPTILE: For the hand of a first daughter to be given out in marriage to a man, the man must denounce whatever god he pays homage to, and become subject by oath to the gods of this land. And the girl must undergo spiritual cleansing in the temple of Isantim to release herself from the web of Isantim so that a mortal man can take possession of her. Once that is done, they can go ahead get married. But Ntwen is not making any effort to see to it that these traditions are well observed by these children. He is too carried away by the joy of seeing his daughter become a woman. Go there now and stop their madness!

EKPE: I will do just as you have commanded. Doom cannot come on the whole land because of one man.

REPTILE: I will leave now. Make your master proud by making sure the ancient traditions of the land are upheld.

EKPE: Of cause!


(Mr Ntwen, Mr Akpan, Ekpe, Rose, Tony, Mrs Ntwen)

NTWEN: Now that we have heard from my daughter, I cannot do or say anything to alter her decision. So the next thing to do now is to receive the items you’ve brought with you, and commence marriage arrangements.

AKPAN: (Overly Exited) Ehnhee,,, (Laughs elderly laugh) These are the items. Take them and…,

EKPE: (Plunges his staff to the ground and the sound of clashing bids on the staff calls the attention of all) That the kangaroo is the fastest animal in the jungle does not mean that it cannot fall prey to the lion. What is this tragedy that has made the sun to shade tears by mid-day? When a child claims to be wiser than his father, what his father spent a lifetime running away from will kill him in his sleep. Ntwen, why have you decided to put the gods of the land to a test? Are you trying to confirm whether the gods are still alive?

NTWEN: An aged woman does not run aimlessly by mid-day for a no just cause. Ekpe-Ikot, eye of Isantim, what brings you to my abode at this time with sayings that trouble the heart? I am a reserved man, leading my family quietly. I don’t remember double crossing anyone, neither do I remember stepping on the toes of the gods. I carefully abide by the ordinances of the gods of the land. However, if I have erred ignorantly, please bring it to my notice, and I will make amends.

EKPE: You have erred, yes. But ignorantly? I can’t say. What is this gathering I see here in your house today?

NTWEN: This is indeed a happy moment for my family because my daughter has found herself a man who is ready to take her as a wife. That is the reason for the gathering you see here Ekpe-Ikot.

EKPE: The deep sleep of a lion does not mean it has lost its guard. Ntwen, are you a foreigner? Are you not aware of the traditions of the land anymore? That daughter of yours who you are about giving out for marriage is your first daughter right?

NTWEN: That is correct.

EKPE: So why would you consider giving out her hand in marriage to a mere mortal being when she belongs to no one else but the great Isantim? Or do you mean to make me believe that you are not aware of such tradition?

NTWEN: Ekpe-Ikot, I am well aware of that tradition. But it is believed to have gone into extinct. Many first daughters from this land have gotten married in the past and borne children, and we are all aware of that my people, are we not? (Referring to the others seated there except Ekpe)

ALL: Yes we are.

NTWEN: So eye of Isantim, I would not deliberately go against the decrees of Isantim. I am a careful observer of our tradition as my father, and his father before him, and the list continues.

EKPE: I see that deliberate ignorance has beclouded reason here. Listen to me Ntwen, all those first daughters who got married to mortal men conducted a certain traditional ritual before Isantim released them for marriage. The men they married denounced any god they honoured before then and swore their allegiance to the great Isantim. The girls underwent spiritual cleansing in the temple of Isantim to free themselves from his web so that they could be joined to a mortal man. Are you ignorant of this?

NTWEN: I am not. But I have also witnessed first daughters from this land marry without doing any of those.

EKPE: Don’t be stupid Ntwen. Go and find out how their marriages and children are. They have no peace in their homes. They live from hand to mouth. Every day of their lives are short, while their nights are long. They run from one prayer house to the other trying to find a solution to their problems but end up adding to their problems by performing all sorts of spiritual assignments given to them by the prophets of Goro. They give birth to unruly children. Their daughters enter into prostitution when they come of age, and their sons are given to wayward living. All those could have been avoided by simply staying dedicated to Isantim as contracted from time immemorial, or undergoing the rituals involved. Your daughter’s case won’t be different if she chooses that path. And for some reason, the great Goro, master of Isantim, is interested in her. So she is forbidden to marry any man without doing all that’s necessary to be done.

NTWEN: Ehn, Ekpe Ikot, like I said, I carefully observe the traditions of the land. But I thought this very one had gone extinct. Now that its existence has been brought to my notice, I will ensure that the needful is done.

ROSE: (Cuts in) No father! No! I we can’t afford to do any of the things this man has stated. We are Christians, and it is against our believe to perform such rituals or pay homage to any other god except the one true God, the father of Jesus Christ our Lord.

EKPE: (Screams out loud) Sileeeeence! Be quiet young lady! What do you know of these things? Did you not just arrive here yesterday? Where were you when Isantim intervened for the people of this land and took away their sufferings? Now you dare to stand here and pronounce of the name of another God?

ROSE: I do not pronounce the name of another God. I pronounce the name of the only God.

MRS NTWN: Aai Rose! Keep quiet before you call the anger of the gods on this family. Let your father handle this.

TONY: But she is right Ma. We are Christians and can’t afford to involve ourselves in anything fetish.

EKPE: That must be the voice of the stranger who has detrimentally developed interest in what belongs to no other by Isantim. Haha. Foolishness at its peak! Ntwen! Call your house to order. Isantim is already angered as it stands. You do not want to find out how he becomes when pushed to the edge.

NTWEN: Forgive my daughter and the young man’s utterances. We will proceed to do as required by the gods of the land.

EKPE: You better do for you own good and for the good of the land. I will take my leave now. Pay me a visit at my shrine when you are ready for the oath and rituals. (Ejects his staff from the ground and leaves)

ROSE: But father, why did you consent to that man’s proposition? You know what I believe in don’t you. You also know I can’t indulge in such activities. And neither can my husband to be. We only do what God permits.

NTWEN: My daughter, this one is more than us. This is tradition, and must be upheld at all cost. I even thought this one was no longer in operation. There’s nothing we can do now. You and your husband to be must do as stated by Ekpe-Ikot, else, there might be not marriage.

ROSE: What? Mum, have you nothing to say about this? That man is trying to ruin my future.

MRS NTWN: My daughter, I’m afraid there is little or nothing we can do to change tradition. It must be observed.

ROSE: Oh God, this is not happening to me.


(Helen & Rose)

HELEN: Can you just imagine? So there are still people who are that uncivilized even in the 21st century? First daughters married to the gods? Imagine people being so committed to nothing? Whatever made them believe that the so called Isantim is responsible for their well being? 

ROSE: I wonder o!

HELEN: Rose, this has gotten to a point where the intervention of a strong man of God is required. What is Tony doing about this? 

ROSE: He suggested we go ahead and settle down as long as our both parents are in agreement. Though we are from the same place, Tony’s father does not hold those traditions in high regard because of his exposure. My parents have always been around, and as such, still consider the ways of old. Left for Tony and his parents, the marriage would take place despite all the trash that dirty herbalist said. But my parents are afraid of what he said.

HELEN: I think I go with Tony’s family. Let’s call on the evangelical team and go with them to your parents. We’ll teach them what the bible says and get them to understand the God of heaven is the one true God. If we are able to prove biblical truths to them, they won’t consider the herbalist’s words a cause for worry. It’s high time the word of God settles in that community. But before then we have to pray and take charge of everything, and also commit this mission into the hands of God.

ROSE: Okay Ma.


(Rose’s Father’s House)

HELEN: So that is it Mr and Mrs Ntwen. The bible says “if God be for us, who can be against us.” It was because of things like this that Jesus looked at the Pharisees and called them hypocrites because they left the commandments of God and embraced traditions they made for themselves. They founded their own doctrines and taught people to live by them, thereby leading people into error. In Mathew 7:13 Jesus declared to them how the made the word of God of no effect by their tradition. And turning to the crowd that were there in verse 15 he told them that what pollutes a man is not what enters into him. But rather, what comes out of him. So by evening opening up the mouth to proclaim strange traditions and force people to live by it is enough pollution already.

MRS NTWN: My daughter, nothing gladdens a man’s heart than to see his children excel in life. I am almost done with my life here on earth. So it gives me great pleasure to see my children established before taking my leave to join my ancestors. It doesn’t make me joyful to see my daughter grow weary because of this development. But our tradition must be upheld else doom will come upon me and my entire household.

HELEN: No such thing can happen to you if you denounce the blind and deaf gods of this land and turn to the one true God, who loved us and sent his son to die shamefully on the cross just to redeem us from our sins and the shackles of the devil. These traditions are part of those shackles. If you come to him and commit to him the way you commit to these false gods, he will deliver you from any potential harm and set you on higher ground. And above all, when you die, you will go to be with him forever and ever. No more death, no more pain, no more traditions.

NTWEN: I have been in this village long enough to tell of what Isantim can or cannot do. Daring him won’t be a good idea. He will surely destroy my family if I let my daughter marry without performing the traditional requirements necessary to free her from Isantim for another man.

HELEN: No sir. Do not hold unto such believe any further. You remain a slave to the so called Isantim as long as you hold such believe. Instead of that, accept the God of heaven who wants to make you a son rather than a slave. I assure you sir, if you do this, no harm, I repeat, no harm will ever come to you or your family.

NTWEN: Are you assuring me that if I do as you say, Isantim will not come after me to destroy me.

HELEN: He may come, but shall never get to you. The God I introduce to you today will guide you all the way if you accept him.

MRS NTWN: My husband, let us do as she says. We cannot afford to let our daughter’s heart to be broken because of this; not when there is something we can do to help her. Let’s just accept this new God and hope that he will save us from Isantim just as the lady says. 

NTWEN: If you are sure that nothing will happen to my daughter and my family if we do this, then no problem. Let’s go ahead. I want my daughter’s happiness. But I need to know if you are sure of what you are saying.

HELEN: I am very sure sir. Very sure. The bible says “they that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” As long as we call upon the name of the Lord, we shall be saved.

NTWEN: (Stresses it) Are you sureeeee???

HELEN: Absolutely!

NTWEN: Okay then. What does it take to become a son to this God you speak of?

HELEN: Bible says in John 1:12 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” All it requires is to receive him and believe on his name.


HELEN: Say this after me. (Turns to Mrs Ntwen) Please Ma join us.

MRS NTWN: Okay my daughter.

HELEN: Lord Jesus.

BOTH: Lord Jesus.


(Goro & Reptile)

GORO: (Yells with much fury) Aaaaahhhhhhhh! What is that thing I see happening?

REPTILE: (Frightfully) My lord Goro, they have succeeded in introducing Mr & Mrs Ntwen to the on true God.

GORO: (Gets more furious) How did that happen? You promised not to fail me Reptile. You are no better than Goro. If this happens again, I will bind you together with Goro in the pit of hell. Those two are certainly getting married now that we don’t have a hold on any of their parents. Without wasting time we move unto the next plan. This can never be.

REPTILE: My lord, I’ll stop the wedding from holding by troubling the wind and instigating their chief priest to invade the arena with fowl spirits.

GORO: No! The one they have believed will certainly intervene for them. Let them marry. We will pay them an unexpected visit in their home. Just let them be for now. They will hear from me soon. At last, they will uphold those traditions. Surely they will.


(Tony & Rose At Their Home)

TONY: (Rounding up prayers with his wife) Dear Lord, we thank you for hearing us and granting us answers to our petitions this day. May your name be highly exalted forever and ever, Amen!

ROSE: Sweetheart please help me up. I’m too heavy I can’t even rise again on my own.

TONY: (Joking) He-he-he, Rose. So I’ll be doing virtually everything for you now abi. I help you to the bathroom, I help you to the bedroom, I help you to kneel and pray, and even help you up after prayers. Haba!

ROSE: Ehe nah! (Romantically) I used to do all those things by myself before you put me in this condition now. Are you getting tired of me because I’m pregnant?

TONY: I was just joking sweetie. I’ll help you do anything.

ROSE: I thought you were o. I wanted to advice you not to because I’ll be putting to bed anytime soon and the work will get more tedious. You’ll be under a lot of pressure then since this will be your first time of being a father.

TONY: I’m ready for whatever pressure. I can’t even wait to be a father. This is what that ugly chief priest and the villagers wanted to deprive me of. But all thanks to God your parents converted and gave us their blessings. Now we’re happily married and expecting our first child. All glory be to God.

ROSE: Amen oo! We really have Mrs Helen to thank. She was with us all through.

TONY: We’ll certainly do that. If at all the rest of the people….

ROSE: (Interrupts) Ahh! Honey!

TONY: What is it?

ROSE: My water pot just broke! (Continues screaming while Tony comforts her and rushes her to the hospital)

SCENE 14 (B)

TONY: (Tony rushes to doctor on seeing her approaching) Doctor what’s the situation with my wife? She’s been there for so long. Hasn’t she put to bed yet?

DOC: Relax Mr Tony. Everything will be okay.

TONY: What do you mean everything will be okay. Is she still in labour?

DOC: Congratulations Mr Tony. Your wife just gave birth to a set of twins.

TONY: (Rejoices) Thank you Jesus. What about my wife. (Doctor relents) Why are you quiet Doc.? What about my wife.

DOC: I’m sorry Mr Tony, but you wife went into a coma after putting to bed.

TONY: What?

To be continued...

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