I was there with the rest. It was a final chance. I struggled and pushed hard to get the price. I’d worked all my life for it. But I was surpassed again. Like the man at the pool of Bethsaida, someone else grabbed it before me. I lost the will to give it another try. I’d spent my whole life “giving it another try” but getting nowhere near the price.

Frustrated, I threw my weight on the floor, leaned back on the wall, and bent my head over like a defeated warrior. Such a shame!!! Mobsters came by and found me in that shattered state. Without lifting my head to behold their faces, I reached for my valuables and handed all to them. I didn’t even let them ask.

They walked away without uttering even a word. It was over for me. My eyes were closed, my soul was heavy, my body was getting cold, and my spirit was leaving. How are the mighty fallen!!! Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.

I was half way to hell when suddenly a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind blew me back to whence I came from. I was back at the same spot. But there was still no price, no met expectations, nothing at all. But then, there was something. There was energy, strength, zeal, and above all, the WILL to TRY AGAIN!!!

There were fresh ideas, new strategies to hit the jackpot, a new sense of purpose, and a determination to have it fulfilled. What in the world was that RUSHING MIGHTY WIND??? How could it have turned darkness to light in less than a fragment of a moment??? Whatever it was, all of mankind needs to encounter it. All of mankind, I say…
