In the world of ROMANCE, there are two categories of people: LOVERS and PLAYERS. You can tell the difference between the two by their approach towards the MATING GAME. Lovers keep it REAL, players keep it REALER. So, while the heart craves a constant supply of the genuine affection of lovers, it tends to find the artful dreamy displays of players more appealing, hence the reason why lovers get PLAYED and players get LOVED.

Lovers come straight-out with their feelings. They seem so predictable, unchallenging, and somewhat jerky. You might be tempted to think of them as naïve and needy. But that’s what love does to lovers, right? Players, on the other hand, keep everything vague and suggestive. They can afford to spend years playing the unpredictability game and come off really challenging. After all, they aren’t bound by passions that require reciprocation as a matter of urgency.

In a world full of vain, entitled, egotistic, self-loving, and false-hearted scheming beings, players couldn’t find better loopholes to maximize upon and prey on such overly self-indulging sets of persons who are like FOOTBALL. Within 90-minutes of play, 22 professional players strive to have their feet on the ball. This makes the ball feel “in vogue” and invincible. But what the players strive for isn’t really the ball. It’s the GOAL. However, the ball doesn’t know that.

Once the match is over, the players celebrate their GOALS while discarding the BALL until the next MATCH. At some point, the ball suffers WEAR and TEAR and is replaced with a NEW BALL, ultimately proving its vincibility. Even at that, the devalued ball is good for nothing more than to keep being PLAYED, mostly by rookie players who only play for FUN and GOALS THAT DON’T COUNT. Funny enough, the ball wouldn’t care less, as its only pleasure comes from BEING PLAYED. Soon, it is completely depreciated and is good for nothing anymore, not even to be played.

Many persons today are like emotional BALLS; little wonder they are most susceptible to the seductions of players. Yet, they tend to act like pricy jewelry when a lover stops by to trade genuine emotions. They tend to become more logical than the wise King Solomon in judging a lover’s advances to be a quest for acceptance. So they indulge themselves, confident that the seeming hopelessly needy lovers will stick around infinitely to feed their vanity. How wrong they are!

Lovers draw the line when the seeds of affection they sow don’t seem to spring up over a period of time they naturally should. They channel their affection to fertile hearts in hope to reap a 100-fold reciprocation as at when due. Lovers are investors. They don’t go around feeding their emotional assets to emotional gluttons who only take and never give back. But players don’t roll like that. They have no standards to uphold, no assets to waste, absolutely nothing to lose!

Their game is simple: they play to their targets’ gallery and indulge them until their targets defer to them and deem it absolutely needful to return the favor. The players then SCORE GOALS and run off to the next pitch to start a NEW MATCH with ANOTHER BALL, leaving their targets feeling EMPTY, FOOLISH, and USED. Funny enough, these targets keep OPENING UP to more players while staying CLOSED to lovers. It’s like an irrevocable CURSE! What a WOE!

Calls/texts/chats from lovers get ignored by their CRUSH a couple of times and they brush aside the intended affair out of absolute unreadiness for such draining and one-sided emotional adventure. But players keep the calls/texts/chats coming for as long as it takes to get a response from their targets, which usually results in them courting their targets’ attention at last, then USE and DROP them like bad habits. Lovers keep it real; players keep it realer.

Lovers get stood up on a couple of dates and withdraw from further hookup attempts. But players can afford to get stood up on a million dates so long as they get the COOKIE on the first, second, or third honored date, after which they zoom off, except they desire to have the cookie a couple more times. Lovers keep it real; players keep it realer.

I could go on and on to set instances upon instances. But I’ll leave the rest to your imagination; and perhaps experience. The funny thing, however, is that these lovers and players KNOW THEMSELVES. They are distant acquaintances, close friends, and even blood siblings. They talk, discuss trends, and have SHARED KNOWLEDGE. Sometimes it turns out that a lover’s haughty, entitled, and prideful crush has been a player’s target and eventual VICTIM. What a world!

I’ll draw the curtain at this point with the submission that lovers will arguably always be lovers and will someday reap the fruits of love. Players, on the other hand, may not always be players, as the need to love and be loved catches up with them eventually. But the targets/victims may remain so all through their PRIME, only to become regretful later in life. Howbeit, such fate can be avoided if they would do well to CHANGE THE DYNAMICS in their favor by putting aside vainness, ego, entitlement, false-heartedness, etc, and be true to the game. Lovers come to STAY. But players will always LEAVE.

