It’s distressing how people just bear an intense dislike for other people for doing their best to play their roles on the stage of life according to the grace made available by God; how folks become resentful of other folks for running their races with a determination to win; how associates become green with envy over other associates for maximizing upon the scripture that speaks of how ‘a man's gift enlarges him & seats him among princes.’ Isn’t it just unimaginable???

Well, nothing is unimaginable anymore these days. After all, we live in an EVIL WORLD. Right from the days of old, jealousy & envy had always been the order of the day for LOSERS. Cain killed Abel because Abel offered a better sacrifice to God. He could have simply improved on the quality of his sacrifice, possibly learning from Abel. But no! He would rather kill his only brother & live the rest of his life as a VAGABOND. How did he get there? One word: ‘ENVY!’

It’s so sad that Abel got caught up in the web of it all. One may be puzzled as to why God just sat back and let Abel be murdered like that. But who are you, oh man, to question God? However, things can be quite different these days. No doubt, we’re in the last days when iniquity is bound to abound. But in these last days, iniquity isn’t the only thing abounding; GRACE abounds even more. So, the more losers continue in iniquity, the more grace abounds for winners.

By reason of this grace, a loser’s case can never be different from that of Haman who set up gallows intended for the execution of Mordecai, only for him to end up being hung on it. They can spend years consulting oracles like Haman did. But all that energy will count for nothing order than their own doom. Mordecai rose from the gate to the palace on the wings of genuineness before God and man. Haman fell from the palace to the grave on the wings of bitterness.

Even the almighty Goliath was a pitiable loser! After all that ranting against the people of God, just a sling of stone from the little David took him down like Humpty-Dumpty! What a great fall it was! The acclaimed giants of Jericho built a great wall to shield themselves from the former Egyptian slaves who had nothing but the one true God on their side. But just by singing praises to that God and walking around those walls, the walls fell, & Jericho came to total ruin!

Besides Cain, the above-mentioned losers were haters of God’s people (Israel), envious, & everything of a nightmare to them. In today’s world, those are the sets of people popularly tagged “BAD BELLE.” You don’t have to do anything to provoke their wrath; just RULE YOUR WORLD, BE HAPPY, & maintain an accelerating pace as you journey through life. It doesn’t matter if your acceleration is slow; just seem progressive & the attention of BAD BELLE will fall on you.

On the flipside, there are other factors that could foster what I’d like to call ‘BAD-BELLEISM.’ Refusing to let someone draw a snake from its hole with your hand could make that person a bad belle. Not letting yourself fall victim to a USER could make him a bad belle. Identifying yourself early enough as someone’s mark for a con and peradventure, turn the game around, could turn him to the Chief Executive Officer of BAD BELLE GROUP OF COMPANIES. Damn!

There’s a saying that “if you don’t use people to achieve your own success, people will use you to achieve theirs.” I, however, do not share that school of thought. How about “don’t use people? But more importantly, don’t let yourself be used by people.” The problem, however, is that when you refuse to let yourself be used by certain people, they begin to hold you in contempt & develop bad belle, especially if you move on & are obviously headed towards success.

Success indeed is the RUIN OF ENVIOUS SOULS. But they that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abides forever. They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint; their paths are as a shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day; (god is involved). Losers better roger that! Together, we can make the world a better place! But las las, BAD BELLE IS ALLOWED.

