After going from the childhood phase of life through adolescence to becoming what you consider a full grown man or woman, how would it cross you if you were questioned thus: “is it you that is running your life? Or, is someone running your life for you?” I bet you’ll be quick to scorn the questionnaire; considering that you can’t imagine that your own life, which is totally under your control, can be run by any other except you. But then, are you really the one running your life? Or, is there a possibility that someone or something could be doing that for you while you’re genuinely thinking you’re solely responsible for the choices and decisions you make?

An excerpt from a sermon in this regard has it that “some spouses have taken advantage of the platform of marriage to ruin each other by running each other’s lives.” Or perhaps one spouse could be doing so to the other. Meanwhile, some people’s lives are run by their job, career, need, etc. There’s no end to the devices that could be employed in the running of a person’s life…if he warms up to it. Warming up to it—could be conscious or unconscious. But whatever the case, it could also be detrimental. If God is not the One running your life, you are likely crash eventually. You must allow God to do so. That is where consecration comes in.


Consecration is setting your life apart for God to run. It is to officially dedicate yourself to the use of God for His purposes. Anything outside that—is abuse (abnormal use). No one can consecrate yourself like you. No one can set you apart for God like you. Consecration is personal. You must make it happen for yourself. God doesn’t use everybody. He only uses those who set themselves apart for Him. Not making one’s self available for God to use could be detrimental because, if God isn’t using you, something else will use you…most likely the devil. There is no vacuum in life. In the bible, there was a centurion whose servant was sick. The man, though wielding authority and influence, took the pain of seeking out Jesus to come heal his servant. Why?

That was because the servant in question was useful. So his master took particular interest in him. He didn’t mind going all out to seek a remedy for his servant’s health situation. It is no different with servants of God who consecrate themselves for His use. The sad truth, however, is that lots of people are liabilities to God, not assets. Wouldn’t you rather make yourself a place where God can operate in/from? Wouldn’t you rather set yourself apart for the purposes of God? One of the few times Jesus walked the earth after His resurrection was when he came in search of Peter. Though Simon Peter had backslidden, Jesus still sought him out. Why?


The answer to that question is that Peter was useful. So Jesus came back from heaven on a particular occasion with the sole aim of finding him. After having walked with Jesus for three years and doing ministry, the moment there was no more Jesus, Peter went back to fishing. He let go of the idea of Jesus/ministry and went back to money making. But unlike Peter, Jesus couldn’t let go. He just couldn’t…because Peter was too much of an asset to let go. There’s this popular song that has it that “there’s no mountain God won’t climb up; no shadow He won’t light up—coming after you. And there’s no wall He won’t kick down, no lie He won’t tear down—coming after you.” While that is nothing but the truth, the ugly fact is, it is not applicable to all.

The bible talks about how a shepherd would leave 99 sheep that are intact and go looking for just one sheep that strays. That was a parable by Jesus Himself to paint a picture of God’s love. But then, there’s something you must know about sheep—which makes shepherds go through such huddles for them. In those days, wool was made out of sheep. Hence, the reason shepherds would go looking for a straying sheep despite having 99 intact is because that one sheep has great commercial value, not just because it is a sheep. It is an asset. The sheep is useful. Know this: fabrics made of sheep wool are more priceless than those made of cotton wool.

In those days, sheep weren’t only reared for eating. They were reared for sheep wool. Therefore, losing one sheep was a great loss. Those are the kinds of sheep that the song refers to, not useless sheep. You must make yourself useful to God—first and foremost. You cannot be useful to God and be small or remain a nonentity. When you are useful to God, you become an entity, you become a voice, you become an authority. No one and nothing plays around with you. Powers of darkness can’t play around with you. God cannot afford losing you. So He does everything to keep you. If you want to see the wonders of God in your life and in all that pertains to you, sanctify yourself. God is ready to do wonders in your life. But you must first of all sanctify yourself.



Is it you that is running your life? Is there a chance that you could be some sort of robot? Mind you, robots aren’t limited to the machines you see on Hollywood movies. Down here, there are mind-control spirits that subject folks to their beck and call. It’s some spiritual crap, but very potent, as some of us have gotten to learn. If you have any reason to suspect that this could be you too, breaking out becomes the only way forward. All it will require is a word of prayer and follow-up action. This could prove subtle and impossible, being that robots aren’t designed to be free. But whosoever the Son of Man sets free—is free indeed. Pray this prayer.



I receive the sanctification of the blood of Jesus in my spirit, soul, and body. By the blood of Christ, I receive cleansing in my flesh and spirit from all filthiness. I set myself apart. I sanctify myself by the blood of Jesus. Lord, if You’ll use anyone, you can use me. If You need anyone, You can count on me. If you need a vessel, I’m available. If you need somebody to do anything for You that You’ve given me the capacity for, I’m available. Father, if You need feet, hands, mouth, ears, money, intelligence, and whatever else You need that I possess, mine are available. I refuse to be alive and not make available to You the things that You have given to me.

I long to be that one useful sheep that You won’t hesitate to come after if I stray. But may I never stray. I want to be like the servant of the centurion who was too valuable that his master went all out—seeking recovery and remedy for him. My concern ceases to be what You can do for me. Rather, my concern centers on what I can do for You, what I will do for you, what I can give to you, how many souls I will win for you, and how I can be available for You at all times. This is my drive henceforth. I want to be useful for You.
