Cleanliness, they say, is next to godliness. Sweeping, according to dictionaries, is the act of cleaning with a broom; a broom being a cleaning implement that clears dirt off tangible and visible entities. When an undertaking that is next to godliness—teams up with a cleaning implement that clears dirt off tangible and visible entities, the aftermath is bound to be surrounding conditions made hygienic and conducive to health…a state of being that can be captured in one single word: “sanitation.” The need for nationwide sanitation saw the now infamous All Progressive Congress (APC) becoming the darling party of the majority of Nigerians in 2015, thanks to the cleaning implement, broom, which graced and still graces the party’s logo. Now eight years down the line—and the party has produced yet another president to run the affairs of the nation for another possible eight years. Could that be a testament to the party’s meticulous use of broom to see to Nigeria’s then much-clamored sanitation?

If this piece was aimed at addressing political concerns, the first of those concerns to address would be the party now being deemed infamous despite producing another president to run Nigeria’s affairs for another eight years—based on what can be esteemed excellent governance in the last eight years. Otherwise, why would the masses opt for the party’s continuance in governance? They must indeed have made meticulous use of broom to see to the nation’s then much-clamored sanitation…such that it is feared that—should another party take over, the party might fall short in keeping the good work going. If it is so, why is the party now deemed infamous while honors are unreservedly lavished on the other party which many nationals fear might fall short in continuing the good work if enthroned?

Well, since this piece isn’t aimed at addressing political concerns, a skipping to the part where an undertaking that is next to godliness—teams up with cleaning implements that clear dirt off tangible and visible entities to bring about surrounding conditions made clean and conducive to health—will be inquired into on deep levels. First and foremost, when the eyes catch sight of broom, especially in black societies, it can be argued that the first impression of it that crosses the mind—is it—as being a cleaning implement. The reason for this is that—the broom has many other significances in black societies…ranging from its synonymity with witchcraft; to its being a potent weapon to employ in the infliction of pain on witches/wizards to extract a confession from them. So, even when the broom is deployed to serve the purpose of clearing dirt off tangible and visible entities in black societies, it is common for natives to associate the dischargers of that suave enterprise with witchcraft of some sort.

For semioticians who communicate through signs and symbols, a clear-cut way to fill in their fellows on the statuses of bewitched fellows as bewitched—is by drawing attention to a broom nearest in proximity. White societies didn’t leave out the broom in their fantabulous portrayal of witchcraft, as evinced in several Hollywood horror films. For first-world countries to depict witchcraft with the broom, why should third-world countries not follow suit with excellent imitations thereof? After all, aren’t third-world countries colonies of those first-world countries? Doesn’t Luke 6:40 posit that “a disciple is not above his teacher? But that everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher?” What, however, is distressing about the estimation of such endeavors in many black societies—is its demonization thereof…no thanks to persons who leverage the powers it affords to mete out affliction.

But then, no barbarous demonization of the broom can rob it of its potency when it comes to serving the purpose of clearing dirt off tangible and visible entities. And to mention that the broom will be doing so in collaboration with an undertaking that is next to godliness? Such team-up, it is said at the start, will amount to surrounding conditions made hygienic and conducive to health…a state of being that can be captured in one single word: “sanitation.” Sanitation implies making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing—in order to make those things less offensive and more acceptable by removing objectionable features. Cleanliness and the broom are metaphors employed to denote the devices that make for this sanitation. It will take the wielding of the broom by a cleaner to foster the cleanliness that would make for this sanitation. This cleaner is herein referred to—as the sanitizer.

It is interesting to note that the sanitizer’s scope of sanitation spans beyond wielding the broom to clear dirt off tangible and visible entities to encompass a wide range of personal and life issues that have constituted dirt in his life. In fact, the sanitizer’s wielding of broom has everything to do with “clearing dirt,” but not off tangible and visible entities. It has everything to do with clearing dirt off—should I say—intangible and invisible entities? Certainly so! How then does a tangible broom serve the purpose of clearing dirt off intangible and invisible entities? Just as cleanliness and the broom are metaphors employed to denote the devices that make for sanitation in the literal sense, a broom is not employed literally as regards serving the sanitizer’s purpose. It aims to depict the psychological vehicle in which the sanitizer rides to rid his spirit/soul of infernal filths that have plagued his being.



If cleanliness is next to godliness and the sanitizer’s spirit/soul has been plagued with infernal filths for ages, that supposes that the sanitizer has been far from godliness…or perhaps far from godliness of spirit and soul since, bodily speaking, he’s been next to godliness on account of his cleanliness? Perhaps, just to make sure, his sanitation will span to include bodily on a stricter level, though spirit and soul primarily, for, as 1st Timothy 4:8 puts it; “bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things…” Does that imply that godliness is the aimed product of the sanitation the sanitizer has set out to mete on his spirit and soul? Not necessarily. In Luke 18:18, a certain ruler had approached Jesus and questioned him thus; “…what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” In response, Jesus had summed up the requirement for eternal life to be godliness. In his words: “You know the commandments: ‘do not commit adultery,’ ‘do not murder,’ ‘do not steal,’ ‘do not bear false witness, ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” All these edicts, the ruler had meticulously observed.

Howbeit, there was a missing factor that had to be updated on the list for him to become veritably inducted into the league of heirs of God’s kingdom. That missing factor, according to Jesus in Luke 18:22 was this: “Sell all you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.” The very next verse attests that when he heard that, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich. And when Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful, He said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!” The moral lesson there is this: the young ruler, though godly in Jesus’ estimation, lacked the one prerequisite it took to become veritably inducted into God’s kingdom. But that’s not the sad part. The sad part is that “he didn’t know.” As far as he was concerned, he was as heaven-worthy as he was earthly relevant. But you know what the saddest part is? It is that—even when he learned what to do to be heaven-worthy indeed, he couldn’t oblige.

He couldn’t imagine throwing his wealth down the drain just to qualify for a life he had meticulously labored to qualify for—from youth. Did he need to throw all his wealth down the drain? What about his obvious spotless godliness as confirmed by Jesus? Wasn’t that enough to qualify him for eternal life? What if he wasn’t rich? Would he have had to go make money and then throw all of it down the drain in order to qualify for eternal life? The many others who are certified heirs of God’s kingdom, did they have to forgo their wealth? Were all of them even rich folks? Well, it is at points like this that Isaiah 55:8-9 comes in handy: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Like that young ruler, the sanitizer can boast of knowing himself to be laudably godly…even enough to be heaven-worthy. But as he’s come to learn of recently, there’s a missing factor that is needful if he must become veritably acclaimed a saint.

It is said of the rich young ruler who approached Jesus that—though godly in Jesus’ estimation, he lacked the one prerequisite it took to become veritably inducted into God’s kingdom. However, he did not know what that prerequisite was. Fortunately for him, there was Jesus right there to make mention of it to him…just that he couldn’t muster the courage and bravery it would take to embrace that prerequisite. Like the rich young ruler, the sanitizer, though godly in his estimation, lacks knowledge of the prerequisite it would take for him to rid his spirit and soul of the infernal filths that plague his being…as he’s come to learn. But unlike the ruler, there is no Jesus anywhere to bring him up to speed—on what he must do to see to a sanitizing of his spirit and soul and become veritably acclaimed a saint. It is this dilemma that has stationed the sanitizer at a mazed crossroads.



Two dictionary definitions of crossroads will serve to excellently depict the bizarre situation wherein the sanitizer finds himself. First, it is a junction where one street or road crosses another. Second, it is a crisis or point in time when a critical decision must be made. So the sanitizer finds himself in a crisis where a critical decision must be made, and this is in a sort of junction where roads cross each other. What decision could the sanitizer possibly make when he’s at a total loss as to what’s become of him—with no one to fill him in—on the reality of his situation? This crossroads where the sanitizer finds himself, is it so far removed from human territory such that none can come to his aid? Or, is it such an eye-pleasing show to watch him make a caricature of himself as he strives to comprehend his present reality? In that case, it would be understandable why a “Messiah” is yet to come to his aid because, should a Messiah come to his aid, what becomes of the eye-pleasing show?

That’s only but a possible ugly situation to depict the sanitizer’s present circumstance. As far as he’s concerned, he’d crossed all his “Ts” and dotted all his “Is”…like the young ruler who, in confidence, proclaimed his own goodness to Jesus, Jesus affirming that goodness and attesting him a faithful man indeed. But as it had to do with the bone of contention…which was the prerequisite for eternal life, his goodness and faithfulness fell short in rendering him heaven-worthy. It bits the understanding why his goodness and faithfulness, though affirmed by Jesus, fell short in rendering him heaven-worthy. Perhaps he was called and ordained to be more than good and faithful, but he hadn’t had the Apostle Paul’s kind of encounter on the road to Damascus to put him on par with his true calling. After all, hadn’t Paul deemed it a service to God to murder those he was sent to save? Not until the Damascus experience did Apostle Paul come to the full body of knowledge regarding his assignment.

Does the sanitizer need such an encounter to come to the full body of knowledge regarding the remedy to the crisis wherein he finds himself? The Apostle Paul’s kind of encounter is synonymous with those who are called into ministry. What if the sanitizer doesn’t have such a call? Would it be safe to hope on such encounter to come to bail him out of his crisis? Apostle Paul wasn’t aware that he had a call, and it took that encounter to bring him up to speed about his calling since His caller couldn’t afford to watch him walk through life without discharging the responsibilities tied to that call. Hence, it wasn’t about Paul or the ignorance of his call. Do men not perish because of lack of knowledge and ignorance? So it is understandable for ignorance to be the bane of man. But even when many perish because of ignorance, many have excelled on the wings of enlightenment—routed to them via several means: encounter? Counsel? Sermons? Interactions? Teachings? Education?

For the rich young ruler to have been affirmed righteous by Jesus, he must have had encounters, counsels, heard several sermons, interactions, teachings, and education…all of which made for his capacity to be and remain righteous amid evil doers. Yet he lacked the specific enlightenment that would pose the answer to the core question of his life: “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Only one fellow on the face of the earth could afford him the answer to that question: Jesus. It is safe to allude that the sanitizer finds himself in the same situation the rich young ruler found himself in, and, is there only one fellow on the face of the earth to bail him out of his crisis? In the rich young ruler’s case, Jesus had gone about doing good and his fame had spread abroad throughout all the region of Galilee. So it was easy for him to be spotted and trailed by the rich young ruler. And since Jesus always endeavored to pose answers to questions asked him, He did the same for the ruler.

In essence, if there is only one fellow on the face of the earth to bail the sanitizer out of his present crisis, that one person wouldn’t be any short of a Messiah…even if to him alone. But then, if there’s such a person on the face of the earth, how come the sanitizer is yet to spot and trail him as the rich young ruler did to Jesus? Or, is that person yet to go about doing good like Jesus, in which case his fame would spread abroad throughout the region wherein the sanitizer finds himself? Jesus hadn’t gone about doing good until he clocked thirty years of age. During that time, the rich young ruler had no doubts about his godliness. It was the emergence of Jesus with a new doctrine that stirred his doubts about his godliness. If the one who is to come to the sanitizer’s aid is yet to go about doing good for his fame to spread abroad so the sanitizer can spot and trail him, that would imply that the sanitizer would helplessly remain at a crossroads until that time comes. But that is if, and only if there is only one person to bail out the sanitizer. To speak the truth and shame the devil, is that so?

Awaiting an answer to that question would keep the sanitizer at a loss perpetually because…who is supposed to tell him if it is so or not? And if it is not so, why hasn’t anyone risen to the occasion of bailing him out? Are his efforts to comprehend his present reality really an eye-pleasing caricature that would be deprived a watching audience if someone were to bail him out? If a man finds himself in a crisis that affords potential helpers such great delight, is anyone likely to come to the man’s aid? It is possible! After all, in John chapter eleven when the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered to take counsel on what to do about Jesus on account of his good works and many signs, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, had said to them, “You know nothing at all, nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.” But his admonition only succeeded in stirring the chief priests and the Pharisees to put a hit on Jesus, as seen in John 11:53: “Then, from that day on, they plotted to put Him to death.”

There seems to be no Jesus yet to pose answers to the sanitizer’s question. There seems to be no Caiaphas to put in a word for him amid chief priests and Pharisees who would put a hit on him nonetheless. And, is there really no one anywhere to come to his aid as it seems? Really? In that case, the sanitizer would necessarily have to call to mind the definition of crossroads that has it that crossroads is a point where a choice must be made. Having called that to mind, he must necessarily follow through with the demands of that definition by making a choice, whatever that choice may be, otherwise, remain at that crossroads and make an abode of it to the viewing pleasure of watching audiences if any. This needful choice the sanitizer must make, what is it likely to be? The answer to that question is the basis of this literary composition. Still recall the basis of this literary composition? It is the teaming up of an undertaking that is next to godliness; with a cleaning implement that clears dirt off tangible and visible entities…the aftermath being surrounding conditions made hygienic and conducive to health…a state of being that can be captured in one single lovely word: “sanitation.”



It was earlier accounted that it will take a wielding of the broom by a cleaner to foster the cleanliness that would make for this sanitation. The cleaner is herein referred to—as the sanitizer. The sanitizer knows himself to be in a crisis that requires him to wield the broom and see to an unearthly ridding of his spirit and soul of infernal filths that have plagued his being. He knows himself to be in a fix that requires a teaming up of an undertaking that is next to godliness with a cleaning implement that clears dirt off tangible and visible entities…just that, in his case, it will be intangible and invisible entities. But taking a look around, he can’t seem to find anything but himself. No broom anywhere. No cleaning implement anywhere. Nothing at all. Just himself and the infernal filths that plague his being. Where does he start his sanitation from? Where does he find cleanliness and the broom to beckon on, to team up and see to the ridding of his spirit and soul of the filths that unsettle them?

A sanitizer has to make filthiness less offensive and more acceptable by removing objectionable features. As they say, charity begins at home. If this sanitizer can’t make his own filthiness less offensive and more acceptable by removing objectionable features, how is he supposed to extend that service to others? Talking about others, aren’t there “cleanliness” and the “broom” amongst them to team up and do the sanitizer the favor of sanitizing his being, having done that to themselves? Or, are there really no “cleanliness” and the “broom” anywhere? Is the sanitizer the first of his kind? In that case, aid shouldn’t be expected to come to him from anywhere, being that not a single fellow has come across his breed before…let alone being equipped with the know-how that would make for his cleansing. That automatically puts the sanitizer in a position the deceased American rap star, 2-Pac Shakur found himself which stimulated him to make a hit tune and title it, “Me Against the World.”

Interestingly, the sanitizer will not have to take solace in that tune and draw strength from there to face the infernal filths that plague his being head-on. Long before his crisis marked him for a fall guy, he had been relishing sensational homemade tunes from rising stars that beat many hit tunes by actual stars hands down! One of those tunes comes in handy in this crisis moment of his, to do him the favor that “cleanliness” and the “broom” would have done him if it was within their capacity to do so. The tune, in the vernacular, is titled; “Sad Ba,” which interprets to mean “Hang On.” It’s a motivational tune by a preacher…not of the gospel…but of hope, hence his alias as the “Hope Preacher.” Some lines from the tune that rocks the sanitizer’s boat in this dark moment are these:


Forget distraction

You’re the one-man army

Play them—on my own

By my man Mr. Danny


You came to this life alone

Except Mama told you of a company

If she didn’t, grind

And make yourself a company


Cuz at the end of the day

No one is listening to you

If you’re not the owner

Of a functional company


This supposes that, right where the sanitizer is, he owes himself the duty of being the solution to his problems. Of being cleanliness, of being the broom, and teaming both up to see to the ridding of his spirit and soul of the moral filth that plagues his being. More so, of getting past bothering with spiritual cleansing to grinding and making himself a functional company as admonished by the hope preacher… so that he might command the attention of audiences and have their listening ears. Of getting past bachelorhood and being a good/faithful single man…to mingling with bachelorettes and singling out an equally good/faithful single lady with whom to solemnize sacred copulation that would entitle both parties to good reward for their labor. Doesn’t Ecclesiastes 4:9 put forward that “two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor?” He would also have to get past the crossroads to having an actual abode to shield him from the cold of the outside world. An actual abode wherein his better half will be housed to serve as a warm body on cold and rainy days.

Both parties would have to get past being just better half to afford each other warmth on cold and rainy days to solemnize a most holy matrimony if they so happen to deem each other worthy of a lifelong commitment. Otherwise, they would have to part ways most maturely and give it another shot. The long and short of the matter is that the sanitizer owes it to himself to drag himself out of the mud, give himself a clean sweep that would make for his all-round sanitation, and earn him the qualifier, “sanitizer.” He can then extend that service to the likes of him that he comes across as he journeys through life. Perhaps he could be the Jesus that goes about doing good such that his fame spreads abroad and the likes of him trail him to have their issues handled—as was the case with the rich young ruler. That would make the sanitizer the Jesus he had been seeking all along, wouldn’t it?

Until then, he’s left with the hope preacher’s motivational tune to keep him going, as he puts two and three together to see to the performance of all he must execute for his life to again be melodious. Is the said tune so power packed as to be the David that takes out a Goliath that mighty Saul dreads? Perhaps you should take a listen and judge for yourself. Take a listen? That might pose some hassles, as it’d require a visit to the internet and an interruption of the sweet ride afforded by this good read. How about a read of the song’s lyrics? It is titled, “Sad Ba”: “Hang On,” and the lyrics go thus:






My beautiful people

I got gist for ya


Ee get my pardi wey dey hustle Monday to Sunday

Another of my aunty waiting on the Lord for bigi belle

God is not sleeping…ancient of days no dey slumber

Hang on, hang on, he’s gonna answer [answer]



Eyeneka Sad Ba ke hustle

There’s always a payday

So learn to remember

Keep on believing [believe]


Ayeneka Sad Ba ke hustle

Nothing should ever

Make you surrender

Hang on, hold on



Peter started with fishes before catching men

What doesn’t kill you—gives you the power of 3,000 men

That’s an army

I pray that I prevent a war through Ikwo ami


Drake started from the bottom,

Today we have God’s plan

Don’t look down on the way you started,

Even though it was on sketches like a house plan

Teb-teb ayogo abang,

Brother that may be God’s plan


Whatever the plan may be,

Don’t show that you have a plan

However the case may be,

I think you should make a case


My sister

My brother

If I ain’t got love for you

Why should I bother?

When you do your best

Try to rest


Never you forget to recognize

God the Father

The grass is not greener

On the other side


It will be nice if you

Make a coast to other side

I know what goes in and out

Of my country

I’m living on the border side



Sad Ba ke hustle

There’s always a payday

So learn to remember

Keep on believing [believe]


Ayeneka Sad Ba ke hustle

Nothing should ever

Make you surrender

Hang on, hold on



Some people say it’s easy

Some say it ain’t easy

Forget distraction

You’re the one-man army


Play them—on my own

By my man, Mr. Danny

You came to this life alone

Except Mama told you of a company

If she didn’t, grind

And make yourself a company


Cuz at the end of the day

No one is listening to you

If you’re not the owner

Of a functional company


Blessings and curses are real

You chose one, the forces that follow are real

The hand of the Lord is still healing

You submit, that’s how you pay for the healing


Just so you know

Life tickles

Don’t you ever fall for that

Anointing flows

You should learn to fall for that


I’m a part of the hustle

Only that I acted the course rep

My people look up to me

Like I’m in the House of Reps


You’ve been praying harder

You’ve been balling proper

But then it feels like the help hands coming no closer

Aunty Surulere


Eyeneka hang on

Help is on the way

Sad Ba

The hustle will surely pay


Just hold on and stay strong

Your money is on the way

And it promises to stay on



Eyeneka Sad Ba ke hustle

There’s always a payday

So learn to remember

Keep on believing [believe]


Ayeneka Sad Ba ke hustle

Nothing should ever

Make you surrender

Hang on, hold on



[Official Sounds]

To all my beautiful people out there

Out here

No lose focus

The hustle will surely pay


Sweeney dey here so

And to those supporting my music

God bless you

[Official Sounds]



The sanitizer can be said to be clear about the series of events that must follow sequentially to transport him to his desired destination. He can be said to have mustered the courage to face his demons head-on and thrive—come what may. He can be said to have forged a path for himself, one that, as he threads therein, will foster the ridding of his spirit and soul of the infernal filths that have plagued his being, that will clear dirt off the tangible/intangible and visible/invisible entities that have made a mess of him long enough, the aftermath being surrounding conditions made hygienic and conducive to his health…a state of being that can be captured in one single, lovely word: “sanitation.”


©Jezuzboi, 2023.
